Author Archive
January Meeting at LWM
by admin on Jan.13, 2013, under Uncategorized
Our next AAZK meeting is set for Saturday, January 26th, 6pm at Lindsay Wildlife Museum in Walnut Creek.
We hope to see you there!
From the Heart
by admin on Jan.05, 2013, under Uncategorized
From the Heart is coming up, Saturday, March 16th. The fundraiser will be held at Oakland Zoo this year, and the theme is sci-fi! Save the date!
Bowling for Rhinos!
by admin on May.27, 2012, under Uncategorized
BFR is coming up on Saturday, June 9th, from 6:30-9pm. It will be held at Cloverleaf Family Bowl in Fremont again this year. The cost is $20, which gets you 3 games plus shoe rental. We’ll be doing a raffle again this year, as well as having chapter tshirts for sale. There are only 50 slots available so sign up soon!